Your Joint Health Matters to Us
Committed Towards a Pain-free Future

Dr Mohit Bansal - Ortho Doctor in Zirakpur
Ortho Doctor in Zirakpur – Graduate from DMCH, Ludhiana. Post graduate from Govt Medical College Amritsar.
He is one of the leading and best Orthopaedic doctor in Zirakpur. He is a clinician par excellence with an unparalleled surgical skill. His patients know him for the genuine advice he gives.
Our Procedures

The hip and knee joints accumulate a lot of wear and tear over the course of a lifetime. The cartilage in the joint breaks down with age and as a result, joint replacement surgery is a very common type of orthopedic surgery among older adults. During the procedure, the natural joint surfaces are replaced with metal or plastic ones. A total knee replacement surgery involves replacing the entire knee with metal components.

Arthroscopic procedures are a minimally invasive way of “cleaning up” damaged cartilage without installing any artificial parts. Knee arthroscopy uses a tiny camera to find and correct minor problems within the knee. Shoulder and rotator cuff can also be repaired by arthroscopic surgery. ACL, or Anterior Cruciate Ligament, is one of the ligaments in the knee and one that is often damaged when playing sports. This type of procedure involves taking a tendon from another part of your body and using it to build a new ACL for the knee joint.

A broken bone (or fractured) and its pieces need to be moved back into position and stabilized. This is called “reduction”. This can be done by “closed” means (without using a surgical incision) or by “open” surgery (a surgical procedure that requires an incision). When treated closed, these are placed into splints and casts to temporarily immobilize the injury and allow the body to heal it. When open fixation is done for a fracture, implants used may include metal plates and metal screws, long hollow rods or nails that fit inside the central portion of the bone. However, these items allow for the internal stabilization (like an internal cast) while surgically re-aligning the bones. The specifics of the surgery and the implants to choose from should be discussed in detail with your orthopaedic surgeon as this will vary depending on the type of injury and the specific location of the fracture within the bone.

They are vulnerable to damage through injuries, wear and tear, and arthritis. Fractures and dislocations to the wrist, hand or fingers, tendonitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome are some of the problems that can be corrected with orthopedic surgery.

This condition requires a medical diagnosis. Rheumatoid arthritis affects joint linings, causing painful swelling. Over long periods of time, the inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis can cause bone erosion and joint deformity. While there’s no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, physiotherapy and medication can help slow the disease’s progression. Most cases can be managed with medications that Dr. Bansal prescribes.

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Why Choose Dr. Mohit Bansal
He has a Fellowship in Trauma management and Arthroplasty from the renowned Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Hong Kong. With efficient management of thousands of trauma cases to his credit, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands.
He also has a Fellowship in Sports Injuries and Arthroscopy from the famous Sancheti Hospital in Pune.
Ortho Doctor in Zirakpur Dr Bansal is trained from the best in the field in the management of Orthopaedic Rheumatological disorders including Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Gout, Fibromyalgia, Myosites, Sero-negative spondy loarthropaties, Reactive Arthrites, JRA etc. He did his training from Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai.
In-house physical therapy and exemplary care, all under the expert guidance of Dr. Mohit Bansal, (Best ortho doctor in Zirakpur) guarantees that our joint replacement program is with you at every step- from diagnosis, to surgery, to your home.
He is an ardent advocate of non-surgical management of joint pain, with lifestyle changes, visco supplement injections along with PRP and stem cell therapy.
His Joint replacement team guarantees a pain-free experience with a short hospital stay and quick recovery.
Orthopedics focuses on the treatment of the musculoskeletal system which includes bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves.
Orthopedic surgery can treat anything from a birth defect to an injury to arthritis.
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