Dental Implants Treatment in Zirakpur

Dental Implants Treatment in Zirakpur

Most of us have a vague idea about what dental implants are. Dental implantology is a procedure of replacing the root of the teeth. During this procedure, an artificial tooth root is implanted in the place of the missing teeth in the jaw. Dental implants are very beneficial for those who have lost their teeth. Family Doctors Clinic is one of best Dental clinics that provides dental implant treatment in Zirakpur. Our clinic is fully equipped to carry all types of dental implant procedures and our dentists use the latest international protocols and techniques in dental implant surgery. We mostly ignore missing teeth but ignoring missing teeth is not good because missing teeth not only affect chewing but also cause the problems in opposing teeth.

For those who lost their teeth and those who don’t have bone support, dental implant is the only solution for them. A patient who does not like to wear denture, the dental implant supported denture will be the best option for them. We understand wearing a denture is very complicated because most of the time food get stuck on the dentures and lack of bone support makes dentures loose in the mouth. No need to worry because the family doctor clinic is here to provide you with the best dental implant. We work to bring a smile back to our patients by giving them a good dental implant treatment.

Our team provides dental implant treatment in Zirakpur for our patients who start losing their adult teeth. Most dental implant treatments look, feel, and act like natural teeth, and this treatment is the closest thing that can lead to authentic and healthy teeth. The treatment not only helps to preserve the look of your smile but also maintains the structure of the mouth. If you are looking for dental implant treatment in zirakpur then visit Family Doctors Clinic and get the best treatment at affordable rates.

Why is Dental Implant Treatment needed?

A dental implant is very beneficial for those who lose their teeth and hesitate to smile. But now don’t worry, when Family Doctors Clinic has all scalable solutions for all your dental-related problems. We implant artificial teeth in such a way that our patients smile with confidence without worrying about their facial features. During the dental implant treatment, titanium or ceramic implants are used in the surgical process that easily fuses with the jawbone.

  • When you miss one or more teeth.
  • When your bone does not have sufficient support.
  • When you have a healthy oral issue.
  • Those who don’t like to wear dentures.
  • If you want to get their smile back.
  • Want to fill the gap between teeth
  • For those who want implant support Bridges.
  • Those who want to improve facial features

A dental implant acts as an artificial replacement for a tooth root. Once placed in the jaw bone, at the site of missing tooth it enables bone to eventually grow onto its surface, making it more stable over time. Once healed, the implant can be used to support a crown for a single missing tooth, a bridge for multiple missing teeth or used as an anchor for stabilization of loose dentures. Dental implants are now an increasingly popular way of replacing one or more missing teeth as the end result can be very pleasing aesthetically as well as restoring the ability to chew food normally. Implants are free standing and do not require the support of adjacent teeth enabling better oral hygiene long term. They are suitable for most adults with good general and oral health. You can often have the implant inserted at the same time as having the failing tooth removed. Moreover, it may also be possible to provide a temporary tooth instantly so you will never have to leave the clinic with a gap in your smile.

Loss of jaw bone occurs if a lot of time has passed since removal of a tooth. Inadequate bone volume can make implant placement very difficult and risk complications. Depending on the extent of bone loss you may be advised to consider bone grafting procedure to bulk up the implant site. Implant can often be placed at the same visit as carrying out bone grafting procedure. Please speak to us before having any tooth removed to find out more about your replacement options and save yourself considerable cost & time. We can assess your suitability for dental implants and can guide you through the process.

Implant Supported Fixed Teeth

If one has lost all their teeth or been told they need to have their remaining teeth removed, then it is possible to provide a full set of fixed teeth on multiple implants. We do need to evaluate your suitability for such a treatment and thoroughly plan your procedure beforehand. The procedure on the day involves removal of existing teeth from the concerned jaw and strategically placing 4-6 implants along the jaw ridge. This takes place in a single surgical visit during a morning. A full set of acrylic teeth is then attached to these implants in the afternoon – and your smile is restored on the same day. The teeth will be replaced with a newer set once the healing is fully complete. Strict aftercare instructions must be followed for a successful outcome.

Implant Retained Overdentures

Implant-retained dentures are a cost-effective way of replacing many missing teeth. Not only do they do away with the need for denture adhesives and pastes, but they also improve the aesthetics of the face and minimise wrinkles around the lips by preserving the remaining bone in your jaws as support. A lower denture may only need two conventional implants to transform your ability to chew food, and smile with confidence whilst an upper denture needs a minimum of 4 implants to achieve this purpose.

Various Dental Implants Treatment is available at Family Doctors Clinic

There are different types of dental implants. Our proficient dentists, at Family Doctors Clinic, help you in choosing the best dental implant treatment in Zirakpur for you depending upon your requirements.Endosteal is the most common method of dental implant. Our dentists use Titanium and a small screw in the dental implant and are placed in the jawbone. Further, there are also two types of Endosteal dental implant – Cylinder and blades.

In the subperiosteal dental implant procedure, a dental implant is placed in the jawbone but it is placed below the gum and above the jawbone. This method of dental implant is good for people who don’t have a good bone to support. Family Doctors Clinic dentists after examine your teeth if they believe that endosteal implants are not good for you then they recommend different alternative methods. Like ridge expansion, sinus lift, bone augmentation, and subperiosteal.

What are the different steps of Dental Implant Treatment?

1. Consultation stage

In this stage, our dentists examine your teeth where the dental implant is going to happen and determine the procedure and type of dental implant that is best for you. With the help of an x-ray, ct- scan, they examine your teeth and the quality of jaw bone is found out.

2. Tooth Extraction stage

In this phase, our highly-qualified oral surgeon removes a tooth that needs replacing before dental work is performed. Only a little bit of tug and pressure will be felt during the removal.

3. Dental Implants Stage

Our experienced dentists will add the implant to the jaw bone if the bone is strong enough to protect the implant. Else if they aren’t strong enough then first the new bone will be added and then the implant will be carried out.

4. Abutment Stage

Once the dental implant is done our dentist puts an abutment on the top of dental implants. This piece connects the implant to the crown and that must be tightened properly so it stays in place while you are eating.

5. Crown Stage

When your gum is healing then the crown stage is performed. You can choose either a removable or fixed prosthesis.

What precautions should be taken after Dental Implant Treatment?


    • Immediately after surgery, an ice pack is used in the area of surgery. This helps in removing the swelling.
    • Try to eat food from another side of your mouth.
    • Use a warm salt water mouth rinse for washing your mouth after surgery. It is very beneficial for healing.
    • Don’t brush the surgical area immediately after treatment because it creates swelling.
    • Don’t sleep without cleaning your mouth because food is always stuck in your mouth whenever you eat.
    • Smoking is strictly prohibited for a few weeks.
  • Take pain medicine for reducing the pain of the surgery.
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